living intuitively
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The Nativist Podcast

Posts tagged understanding
Losing Faith: Leaving the Mormon Church

It’s here. Finally.

I share my story on joining - then leaving - the Latter-Day-Saint (Mormon) Church, and how I feel about it now. I offer questions to consider, no matter your personal beliefs.

I hope you listen - and live - with open eyes, open hearts, and open minds.

I love you.

The Brené Brown podcast episode I reference is from April 20 and April 27 (it’s a two-parter): Brené Brown with Father Richard Rohr on Spirituality, Certitude, and Infinite Love, Part 1 and 2

Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram: @the_nativist

Make Yourself Uncomfortable: Sneaky Ways Comfort Is Limiting You

Allow me to be the most inhospitable podcast host ever and invite you to make yourself uncomfortable. I do so with love and in service of your individual good, and our collective good.

Life is messy. Life can feel tough. It’s complex and nuanced and uncertain, just like us humans. When we rush to restore comfort, we weaken ourselves, limit ourselves, and invite trouble. What kind of trouble? In what small/big ways are we denying ourselves a full, rich, fulfilling life? How are you possibly contributing to your problems and our problems? What are our possible blind spots? How can we lean into discomfort? Why is it good for us? What are you missing out on? I answer all of these questions in this short, micro episode. You might know some answers, you might be surprised by some answers. Only one way to find out… Listen if you want to be the best you can be.

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Opinions Are Like...
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Like Salt ’n’ Pepa said, they’re like assholes and everyone has one

It’s true: we all have them. There’s nothing wrong with having them, but it does become problematic when you don’t recognize them for what they are: your opinion.

In this solo episode that’s ever relevant in this increasingly polarized environment, I clarify what an opinion is and isn’t; I discuss what drives opinions and how to change them…and release the need to change them; I cover addressing misperceptions; I remark on respecting, asserting, and receiving opinions; I touch on differentiating among our individual realities; and I offer guidance on striking the balance between speaking your truth and considering others’.

A major reason why I ask so many questions: on here, on social media, in life is to learn and share new perspectives and different angles; to open eyes, hearts, and minds; to learn from each other; and to connect to ourselves and others.

Opinions are valuable, but they’re not universal.

Let’s remember: the world is changed by what we do, not by what we think.

Releasing Judgment

This year, I again had the honor of speaking at The Women’s Networking Group monthly gathering, founded by my good friend (and previous pod guest) Brianne Sloan.

Last time, I spoke on boundaries (you can listen on episode 8 posted 02/03/2019). This time, I spoke on releasing judgment.

What a relevant topic, huh? One that applies to ALL of us. Truly. Whether we’re judging or being judged - it’s our reality. This episode isn’t about shaming yourself/others for judging, nor is it about eliminating judgment entirely. Let’s be kind to ourselves, and let’s be real with ourselves. My objective with this episode is to explain why judgment happens, and to offer different ways of viewing yourself and others - all to inspire understanding, compassion, and acceptance. Only by understanding judgment can we transcend it and reclaim our power from it.

Thank you for listening.