living intuitively
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The Nativist Podcast

Posts tagged self image
Growing Pains: Avoiding the Traps in Optimization and Finding Your Flow in Grow

We’re constantly encouraged to have a growth mindset; to be disciplined; to always strive to improve and to evolve, in virtually every area of life. But can that ever be taken too far? How do you know when it’s become problematic? What can you do to prevent that? Is there ever a time when a growth mindset is not appropriate or beneficial? What is true growth?

In this solo episode, I highlight red flags to be aware of and questions to consider when setting goals and seeking your highest self. I offer a re-definition of your actual highest self, and explore the importance of self-trust. I differentiate between discipline and dogmatism, and propose how to own your routine (rather than it owning you). I explain why rigid rules are common for those with conditions such as ADHD and eating disorders, and what that rigidity indicates. I reveal the reasoning of why I chose The Nativist brand name, and how I feel about it now.

It’s all so simple, yet so complex. C’est la vie.

Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram @the_nativist

Define Yourself Using Your Definitions

Life on your own terms means first defining those terms, yeah? So how are you defining the words in those terms? Whose definitions are you using? If you ever catch yourself comparing yourself to others, and/or telling yourself you “should” do this or “shouldn’t” do that, do you ever stop and truly ask yourself why? Have you ever questioned what success means to you? Do you analyze what actually resonates with you (eg as “successful” or “acceptable” or “fun”) or do you just obediently accept others’ definitions? Whose yardstick are you using to measure your life? Yours or society’s? Yours or your parents’? Maybe upon closer inspection those yardsticks match, and maybe they don’t. But YOU get to decide.

So that’s basically what I talk about in this episode. Happy you’re here.

Connect with me on Facebook and/or Instagram @the_nativist

The book I reference in the episode is The Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive Again by Catherine Price

As You Please

This is one of those conversations that could completely transform how you view and live life. How you show up in the world. How you FEEL.

I’m not exaggerating. This is a deep, profound, and universally relevant topic that I’ve felt increasingly pulled to explore - both on here and in my own life. This matters. It affects our relationships, our body image, our self esteem, our interactions, our life experiences. It affects everything and everyone.

And if you start listening and feel unsettled…that’s a key message in itself, something to unpack and examine. I encourage you to honor yourself and your needs, while also encouraging you to open your mind and expand past any possible fear or shame.

This actually covers a variety of significant topics to which we can almost all relate, and it was a true pleasure to tackle it with the wise and radiant Rachel Klein. In addition to the main discussion, Rachel offers her thoughts and journey on aligned and embodied living. She shares how personal tragedy fully awakened her to the fragility of life, inspiring her to quit a corporate job and move west.

This episode has the power to revolutionize your relationships - with yourself and others.

NOTE: This content is intended for mature audiences.

If you’re interested in following/working with Rachel, you can connect with her on Instagram: @mssweetpea

Resources mentioned:

True Sex and Wild Love podcast
