living intuitively
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The Nativist Podcast

Posts tagged open minded
Defusing the F-Bomb: What Feminism Actually Is

Feminism gets a bad rap, and is clouded by myths and misunderstandings. I’m here to [possibly] change your understanding, not your mind. This episode aims to clarify and illuminate something many may support without even knowing it: feminism. I debunk myths, I explain what feminism is and is not, and I share my thoughts and experiences being a woman in this world. If you’re a human, this episode is for Y O U. You decide what to believe and how to live your life.

Happy National Women’s History Month.

Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram @the_nativist



[How] Does Kindness Fit Into Politics?

You know those conversations that leave you feeling connected and inspired? This is one of those.

Dr. Nathan Richardson (no relation), Ph.D., Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Department Chair at the University of Texas at San Antonio, joins me to discuss some pretty key topics: the role of kindness and emotions in politics; the power of curiosity in relationships and critical thinking; and the futility of polarization.

We address whether or not being centrist means you lack strong opinions, and if being open minded means you lack bravery or conviction.

Humans first. Labels second. Kindness always.

Find me on Facebook and Instagram: @the_nativist

Losing Faith: Leaving the Mormon Church

It’s here. Finally.

I share my story on joining - then leaving - the Latter-Day-Saint (Mormon) Church, and how I feel about it now. I offer questions to consider, no matter your personal beliefs.

I hope you listen - and live - with open eyes, open hearts, and open minds.

I love you.

The Brené Brown podcast episode I reference is from April 20 and April 27 (it’s a two-parter): Brené Brown with Father Richard Rohr on Spirituality, Certitude, and Infinite Love, Part 1 and 2

Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram: @the_nativist

Politicized: Politics Over People

The people have spoken. I canvassed for what you wanted to hear, and this was one of the requests: how “nothing can be discussed anymore without throwing politics into it” (and truth be told, ironically I talked about politics while talking about how we can’t talk about anything without talking about politics. Sigh).

I share some thoughts. I suggest some perspectives. I offer some outlooks. I propose some points.

Power to the people (not the politics).

Lemme know what you think.

Thank you.

Find me on Facebook and Instagram @the_nativist


Wow. I get into it with this episode. There are a lot of hurting/struggling/frustrated/disgruntled people in the world, and especially in the US. And there are a lot of reasons behind the suffering and discontent - as well as a lot of proposed solutions. There’s also a lot of blaming, criticizing, and side taking.

What’s the role of perspective in all of this? What’s the worth of other perspectives, particularly when facing a problem? What’s the value of staying open and entertaining other views? Should we allow for nuance? Is it worth our time considering a problem’s cause and contributors when seeking a solution? Does the problem/solution have to be binary, either/or, us or them? Is it always “wrong” versus “right”?

Happy listening.

Find me on Instagram @the_nativist