living intuitively
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The Nativist Podcast

Posts tagged motivation
Defying Gravity and Age Limits: Flexible Living with Adult Gymnast Peyton Kiggins

In this playful and inspiring episode, I sit down with competitive adult gymnast Peyton Kiggins. Daring to defy society’s age limits, Peyton shares why she re-entered competitive gymnastics, and how she’s a stronger competitor now than when she was younger. Peyton tells us how she stays fit mentally and physically, and what she does to minimize injury and maximize growth and FUN. She highlights the crucial role of playfulness, and offers a helpful and empowering re-frame for failure. She exemplifies how we can do far more than we think - and are often told - we can. Peyton’s approach to gymnastics - and life in general - is remarkably healthy, balanced, and motivating. Listen, and you’ll see what I mean.

Find Peyton on Instagram @peytonamore

Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram @the_nativist

Growing Pains: Avoiding the Traps in Optimization and Finding Your Flow in Grow

We’re constantly encouraged to have a growth mindset; to be disciplined; to always strive to improve and to evolve, in virtually every area of life. But can that ever be taken too far? How do you know when it’s become problematic? What can you do to prevent that? Is there ever a time when a growth mindset is not appropriate or beneficial? What is true growth?

In this solo episode, I highlight red flags to be aware of and questions to consider when setting goals and seeking your highest self. I offer a re-definition of your actual highest self, and explore the importance of self-trust. I differentiate between discipline and dogmatism, and propose how to own your routine (rather than it owning you). I explain why rigid rules are common for those with conditions such as ADHD and eating disorders, and what that rigidity indicates. I reveal the reasoning of why I chose The Nativist brand name, and how I feel about it now.

It’s all so simple, yet so complex. C’est la vie.

Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram @the_nativist

Making time, money, and people count

Want to work smarter not harder? Want to cultivate the life you want? This is your episode. I present to you two shining examples: Jess and Brandon Desfosses. Realtors, DIYers, property investors, house flippers, adoptive parents, birth parents, restaurant owners, social media content creators, community networkers, spouses…their titles are many. How do they manage it all? Listen as we chat about time management, motivation, ambition, productivity, work/life balance, organization, marketing, scarcity mindset, money management, and what they (and I!) think is the key to it all. Laughs, value, and inspiration: check, check, and check. And let’s just say their reach is about to get a lot wider (very pumped for them).

Follow them on Facebook and Instagram @idahomerealestate and/or contact Brandon directly: 208-241-6205.

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Rethinking New Year, New You

New year, new you.

Do you need a new you? What about the you that you are now? Do you respect this you? Understand this you?

Whether you’re making resolutions at the start of a year, or setting goals in the midst of one, there are some vital questions to ask yourself to make the process more effective, more enjoyable, and more meaningful. Like…do you need a new you or a new process? A new perspective? Maybe all of the above?

In this episode I offer thoughts, questions, and insights for you to consider as you reflect on your self/your life.

Thank you for listening.

Find me on Facebook and Instagram: @the_nativist

Learn and Live. Live and Learn.

In honor of Native American Heritage Month, Effie Hernandez comes on the pod to inform and inspire. Effie is a member of the Shoshone Tribe and works as a multi-cultural coordinator for a community college in Idaho Falls. Though Effie provides great resources and insight for planning your future (especially for Indigenous youth), this isn’t just for teenagers contemplating college. In true Nativist fashion, we go deep. We talk about living your own life and how fulfilling your unique potential can be different, daunting, challenging, and empowering, and how it allows you to elevate and enrich others’ lives as well (the more skills and knowledge you have, the more value you can contribute!). We emphasize the importance of defining: your life, your terms, your success. We explore how diversity and inclusion can have different meanings for different people, and we invite awareness and reflection on this. We highlight the power of continuing education - formal and informal - and how humility and curiosity are crucial components. Know your options. Define your terms. Leverage your potential.

Contact Effie:

  • Effie Hernandez Multicultural Coordinator, 208-535-5338,

Scholarships for Indigenous youth (as referenced in the episode, via Dr. Amanda Cheromiah’s TikTok video on how she graduated debt free):

*Look into the specific scholarships of your own tribe(s)/institution

Find Dr. Amanda Cheromiah on TikTok/Instagram @drcheromiah

What Does Authenticity Look Like?
Authenticity does not mean baring all.
— my smart friend Melissa

My friend and I were talking the other day about authenticity. It’s one of my favorite topics to ponder, explore, and discuss, increasingly so in this era of social media, filters, and curated images and lifestyles. 

To take it a step further, it’s also been even more on my mind during my acne-healing journey. I feel a lot of shame for not having perfectly clear, even-toned, smooth skin. Intellectually, do I know I’m more than what I look like? Absolutely. Intellectually, do I know my true worth is not based on appearance? Yes. BUT. My worth in society, by its standards, very much depends on the image I convey - regardless of how I actually am and look. Society doesn’t care about inner beauty, kindness, grace, intention, depth, excuses, health, REALITY. Its standards are ruthless, rigid, exacting, fluctuating, fickle, impatient, demanding, superficial, and - most importantly - ELUSIVE. Full, true achievement is impossible - always dancing out of reach. Society and its advertisements will convince you with just the right fitness regimen, just the right face cream, just the right fashion aesthetic, you can “make it.” It’s brilliant marketing - but it’s bullshit. What’s in today will be out tomorrow. Whoever is lucky enough to have their natural look align with the current trend (body/face/hair shape, etc) is instantly deemed superior: in looks, in character, in ability, in LIFE. And for those who miss the mark, whether due to mere timing (better luck next on the next “fad”) or total divergence, hope is copiously commodified. What you can’t (or won’t) change/fix, is your fault, your flaw, your demerit. And that’s part of the allure. That’s how they hook you: holding up an example of how you should be/look, with the implicit (or even explicit) acknowledgment you don’t, with the assurance that all you need is this (insert product) to achieve your goal (aka worthiness). And for extra kicks, there’s not just one world judging panel. What’s ideal in one context/culture/era/etc is hideous in another. Contradictions galore - even within the same context; for women especially. Example: If you hide your body, you’re an unattractive prude; if you show your body, you’re a deviant slut. Double standards are part of the game. Mixed signals much? It’s. EXHAUSTING.

But that conditioning runs DEEP. Bone deep, it often feels. If you’re surrounded by something, for every day of your life, it’s bound to permeate. You’re bound to be affected. Your subconscious picks up what society is putting down, and your psyche doesn’t easily release that. We’re wired for social acceptance - it was (and even actually still virtually is) vital to our survival. If you were kicked out of the clan back in the day, your chances of feeding and protecting yourself plummeted. And even today - loneliness is a major mortality risk factor. We’re social creatures - we pretty much all crave belonging. 

So yeah, having a pizza face in a world like this doesn’t always feel awesome. And I really hate the thought of needing/wanting face makeup to hide my “imperfections.” In a lot of ways, I have no shame in what I look like. I still wear clothes after they get holes in them. I still face the public after I’ve had a chemical peel or laser treatment. Stuff like that doesn’t bother me at all. Honestly, I think because it doesn’t feel attached to me, to my self worth. If I’m wearing ripped clothes, I can remove them - they’re not part of me. If I have a comically red face, obviously it’s because I just experienced something (even the onlooker doesn’t know what the hell that something is!). It’s not ME. But acne - that feels like it’s ME. Like I just am not good enough, the way I am, and then I need to cover up my so-called “flaws” to be acceptable, worthy, wanted. Yes, I know my friends and family will accept me no matter what I look like. And I don’t expect someone to cruelly comment on my complexion. But they don’t need to - I know what they’re saying. And I’m equating that to my failure to meet the standard: society’s standard I’ve accepted and internalized. Again, do I objectively know how messed up that is? Absolutely. But when that’s tethered to a message the world has relentlessly hammered into you, in multiple (sometimes unknown) ways, your whole life - it’s going to take root. It’s going to take time to de-internalize, to flush out. Is complete system override even possible? Who knows. It feels doubtful, especially right now. But the more we’re aware, and the more we intentionally, personally, and collectively call BS and defy it, step by step, we’ll make a dent, and then a bigger dent, and then a bigger dent. 

So speaking of unrealistic societal beauty standards, and speaking of authenticity - I was really bumming. Lately, I’ve really pulled back from showing my face on social media. I try to avoid filters, and I though I hate covering my face in makeup, I don’t feel comfortable bare facing it. I just don’t. My “highest self” would love to say “screw it” and post a picture of myself makeup free - not only to rebel against toxic beauty culture, but also to live and show my truth, to offer hope and light to others, and to be fully authentic. But I’ve realized (much to my sister’s credit) that my mental health matters - and I must honor where I am RIGHT NOW. I don’t have to ignore where I was and where I want to be, but I do have to acknowledge and respect where I am. Right now. And right now, my mental health would really take a hit. I have such an all-or-nothing personality, and I’m learning the value of moderation, of step by step. 

Truly though, I felt like such a fraud. Here I am promoting self love, self acceptance, unconditional worthiness independent of our exterior, and yet…I didn’t even feel comfortable posting a picture of myself sans foundation. Because I care about what I look like. And that’s okay. Like I said earlier, we have been and still are inundated with this “conditional worthiness” model every day of our lives. It won’t disappear overnight. It’ll take time, patience, intention, awareness, solidarity, grace, persistence, and compassion. We can simultaneously aspire to something - and promote that something - while living an authentic but complex, flawed existence. This doesn’t have to mean we’re inauthentic or disingenuous. Honesty is key, and so I’m offering my honesty to you. 

Which brings us to another subtopic of this: privacy in the context of authenticity. I think for many of us, media - particularly social media - has warped our sense of what we should and shouldn’t share with the world, what we’re obligated to share with the world, and what we’re entitled to know about others (especially celebrities, but also the rest of us mere mortals). 

We’ve come to equate authenticity with transparency and full disclosure.
— The Nativist

I think for multiple reasons we’re susceptible to feeling - and being - pressured to reveal more and more of our inner world: for likes, for attention, for validation, for sales. Vulnerability has become commercialized, leveraged, strategized. In a way, I think this has desensitized us and removed us: from our selves, and from others. “Raw moments” have become content we now scroll past. We want more. Our thirst for it grows, prompting us to not only top our last “share,” but others’ shares. To stand out, to stop the scroll. To prove ourselves. If we don’t bare all, we’re often equated with being fake, posed, superficial. We’ve come to equate authenticity with transparency. We’re nurturing voyeurism and judgment. It’s bad enough with celebrities. I mean, come ON - just because someone is in a movie does not mean they’re obligated to share the details of their divorce, or eating disorder, or addiction struggle. Who are we to think we’re entitled to know that? Do you want YOUR most tender, private moments and issues put on blast? For the world to openly and ruthlessly (and ignorantly) dissect? Where’s the humanity? Your privacy is sacred. More and more I’m really drawn to privacy; to being more selective about what I share, and how I share it. Trustworthiness matters. 

Just in case I gave you the wrong impression with my content on here…I’m not always gracious. I’m not always cool, calm, and collected. I’m not always grounded and present. I’m not always sweet and nice (those aren’t always positives anyway). I’m not always motivated. I’m not always sure of myself. I definitely don’t always have it together. I can be fiery and reactive. I can be spacey. I can be frustrated.

Sometimes I feel like a fake when I come on here extolling the virtues of love, empathy, acceptance, calmness, patience, and understanding - then don’t always live those IRL. Do I try? Do I believe in and mean what I say? Absolutely. Every single word. Do I have pure intentions? All the way. But knowing and applying are two different things, right? We know this. Think of all the things you know you should/shouldn’t do for your health/relationships/success - yet don’t/do. For multiple possible reasons (it’s not always just about willpower). Even docs and other experts are humans and experience this. The knowledge alone isn’t enough - it’s what we [consistently] do with that knowledge. In the past, if an expert ever (intentionally or otherwise) revealed fallibility in their own application of the knowledge, I’ll admit, I’d start to doubt/discount their expertise and message. Now, I realize that’s not fair and that doesn’t serve them or me. Just because you don’t always live the answer doesn’t mean you don’t have it. (Gabby Bernstein quote). We’re all human and we all have our own challenges and hang-ups. 

Check-ins with yourself can be helpful. This can look like asking yourself the following: Does your life reflect the person you believe yourself to be and say you are? Without you declaring you’re open minded, inclusive, non-discriminatory, generous, principled, ethical, good, etc, how would people know? Could they just tell by observing you? Do your words align with your actions and lifestyle? Does your life speak for itself? Sure, we won’t be our “highest self” every second of every day. Expecting ourselves and others to be is unfair and unreasonable - and a losing game. We’ll have our moments. But overall - what message does the way you live your life convey?

Back to my conversation with my friend, in which we touched on basically all I’ve said up to now. We also talked about how authenticity manifests differently with different people. I mean, it makes sense, right? Your authenticity is rooted in your individuality. It seems obvious, but I think it can be easy to forget. For example, my friend and I were laughing about when during pre-school orientation the teacher expressed interest in hiring my sis for photography and my sis replied, “Let a ho know!” My friend and I were both there, both reacting with jaw drops. We both love my sister for letting her personality shine through. She is who she is and that doesn’t fluctuate depending on her audience/environment. That’s her authenticity. But my friend and I being more selective of when and where to say certain things can be just as authentic. It’s not that we’re masking our selves, our truths, our thoughts, or our personalities - it’s just that we’re adjusting to our environment/audience, and communicating accordingly. Sure, there is potential here for disingenuousness, but it’s not a given. 

Furthermore, my friend and I prefer to get ready when we go out into public. Like my friend says, she shows up in the school drop-off line dressed and ready for the day, while other moms show up in sweats and last night’s makeup. This doesn’t mean one mom is more authentic than another or “real” than the other. The “real” in “keeping it real” manifests differently, depending on the individual. 

And while we’re at it, I’ve really been thinking lately on how interesting it is where we all arbitrarily draw the line: with politics, with values, with aesthetics, etc. If you’re all about accepting yourself the way you are, does that mean you’re against teeth whitening? Shaving/waxing/lasering (especially legs/underarms on females)? Braces (for aesthetic reasons)? Makeup? Cutting/coloring your hair? Plastic surgery isn’t the only way to alter your body. If you get your lashes done yet denounce cosmetic filler, that’s drawing the line for yourself. And we all have our lines drawn differently. Who’s to say who’s right?

Like I said, authenticity has long been a value and focus of mine. We must first know who we are - and that can seem daunting and confusing. To live your truth, we must know your truth - but what even IS your truth? Sometimes it seems cloudy.

From my personal experience, our truth is always there - and ours to know - it’s not necessarily instantly known to us.  And from even before we’re born (with generational trauma, experiences in utero, etc) those layers start multiplying, piling one on top of another, burying our truth further and further down. 

To access your truth requires time, intention, experience, love, grace, awareness, STILLNESS. It can be a lifelong process and journey of uncovering your layers and accessing your authenticity. Your true self. Your truth, in its purest form. 

I’ve found different phases in my life uncover new, different, deeper layers New experiences, new ages, new lessons unlock new levels; new nuggets of wisdom and truths about myself. It seems like no matter how well I think I know myself (and I’m a reflecter and deep thinker - I thought I knew myself pretty damn well) - there are still always new discoveries and strata to discover. Layers that only time, knowledge, experience, wisdom, and maturity can illuminate. 

There’s no normal. There’s you.
— Gloria Steinem

So like I said, it can all take time, but our truth is always there - and ours to know - even if it’s not necessarily instantly known to us. To access it requires time, intention, experience, love, grace, awareness, STILLNESS. 

This doesn’t mean knowing and channeling your authenticity requires a journey of a zillion steps, and in the meantime we’re just buzzing around like a bunch of posers with no idea who we are (though that right there is a pretty loaded surface statement that we could spend some time unpacking. Let’s just say I think we’re all on an authenticity, self-awareness spectrum - and tend to bounce around the spectrum depending on time/environment/subject/etc). There is a superspeed highway, shortcut version to expedite the process and access the authenticity reservoir that is the YOU inside you: get quiet (in any sense of the word - stillness can help, but isn’t required). Calm your mind and body as much as possible, and allow your inner knowing to come through. Pay attention to what resonates, and how it resonates, within you. 

Those are your guides: who and what resonate with you. 

Thank you for being here and caring. I love you.

A Match for Your Mountain

Suddenly being told to rush your “healthy” baby to the ER because those seemingly minor symptoms actually reveal a serious, lifelong condition would unnerve virtually any parent, especially if you’re a first timer.

Roman Ternus is one special girl in her own special way (you’ll see what I mean in the intro). She sparkles, she dazzles, she charms, and she inspires. She is full of life and light, undeterred by life’s curvies thrown her way. Diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes (T1D) at only one year old, Romey learned early on how to roll with the punches. Romey and her equally lovable and inspirational mother, Jeminee, share their climb.

By listening to this episode, you’ll get even more than just a cute, motivating story from a cute, motivating girl. There are many important messages in here: accepting and re-framing life’s challenges; recognizing and leveraging your inner strength; embracing and cultivating your partnerships; accessing and channeling bravery; and respecting and heeding your intuition. You’ll also hear important signs to look for to detect T1D.

Jeminee tells us her initial thoughts and reactions, and how she sustains her strength and gratitude through the demands of caring for a child with T1D.

This episode is a story of resilience, of hope, of hope, and of gratitude, and it serves as a powerful reminder YOU are a match for YOUR mountain.

Below is the full video to the audio snippet you’ll hear in the episode’s intro (so you can really see little Romey shine!). Find this and more on Jeminee’s Instagram page: @jemified_

Thank you for listening. Thank you for caring.


Leggo Your Ego

Finally sat down with the man on the move, Charlie Roberts, to chat about life and how he’s lived it.

Charlie has worked with some major names in music and media, and I admire his drive, his commitment, his audacity, his generosity, and his humility. (I personally benefitted from his expertise when he helped me choose new podcasting equipment. He rules.)

We talk about the trip of growing up in a small town, leaving it to pursue work in the big city, and then returning to the small town. We talk about the creative mind and process, and tips for leveraging it. And my personal favorite, we talk about releasing your ego, while working and while interacting with others. Committing to and taking pride in your work, whether you’re sweeping the floor or running the show.

If you’re looking for an easy yet motivating listen, this is it.

You can find Charlie on:

Instagram: @aycharlie

Facebook: @Charlie Roberts

Showing Up for Yourself

The topic for this episode was requested by a listener, and what a hard-hitting topic it is, that encompasses so much. The full request was for motivation and showing up for yourself, and this episode covers both, since they’re closely related. This is especially relevant for me as I get back into podcasting. Podcasting elates and fulfills me, but I tend to resist what I know is good for me, and what I know will make me happy, as a form of self sabotage. As if I’m only comfortable when there’s some discomfort. I’m okay with a certain amount of success and wellbeing, but too much and I run scared. It throws me.

I’m progressively mastering navigating this. Knowing when to exercise discipline and push through, and when to grant grace and respite. It’s a journey.

Everybody is different. We’re all in different places on the balance spectrum, and require different lifestyles to balance us. We’re also motivated differently: some intrinsically, some extrinsically. Some derive fuel from the haters and doubters, some withdraw.

Self awareness is key: We need to reflect and do our shadow work and level with ourselves, to know what drives and motivates us, and to know when to use discipline, and when to use grace. To know where to step it up + venture out (literally/figuratively) and where to pump the brakes and ease up. 

I share many of my self-motivating practices and life hacks, to light and maintain my fire. Some of these might surprise you.


Showing up for yourself varies not only interpersonally (among people), but also intrapersonally (with yourself). It’ll likely vary decade to decade, phase to phase, year to year, season to season, month to month, day to day, hour to hour, even minute to minute. Our values shift, our priorities change. Mine definitely have, (especially since COVID). 

We’re growing, evolving (at least hopefully!) beings who don’t live in a vacuum. We don’t control others, and we don’t control what happens to us. 

Being open to it all, accepting, and flowing with it is a main theme of my work. Attending to your ultimate good, and the highest good for all, won’t look the same now as it did before - for you or for anyone else. 

That’s why it’s important to stay connected, especially with yourself. Again, self awareness is CRUCIAL. Powerful. Transformative. Identifying what motivates you. What lights you up. Dialing into why you’re doing what you’re doing, why you’re feeling what you’re feeling, what you need vs. what you think you need. If any wounds/insecurities are calling the shots. When you need to push through and when you need to pull back. When you should contract, when you should expand. When you should pivot and redirect, and when you should stay the course. 

So tune into yourself. Get to know yourself Identify your thought patterns, particularly those based in fear. Understand why you do what you do and think what you think, to help you recognize when you’re being led by fear/trauma, and when you’re being led by intuition/wisdom. Practice separating from your thoughts, your mental narrative. Get comfortable dialing into your core, your true self, your inner wisdom. You know what you need. You always have, and you always will. It’s simply a matter of you holding space for yourself to acknowledge and honor your inner guidance. 

I love you.

Keep It Simple
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In this episode, I sit down with Darren Hansen for a dynamic, fun, and informational conversation. Darren is the owner and head coach of Hansen Athletics, where he and his coaches deliver customized strength and conditioning training to not just athletes, but anyone who wants to be their best self. As Darren highlights, the physical aspect is only part of it. True self optimization happens by showing up for yourself, getting your mind right, dialing in your rest and nutrition, knowing your power, and keeping it SIMPLE.

This episode offers something for everyone, regardless of your current fitness level. If you’re a human and are interested in leveling up and FEELING good - this is for you.

Darren is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, has a BS in Exercise Science, and is a certified USAW-National Coach.

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Find Hansen Athletics:


Instagram: @hansenathletics

Facebook: HansenAthletics

YouTube: HansenAthletics

HansenAthletics Podcast: Spotify | iTunes | website

Find Darren:

Instagram @coachdarrenh

Twitter @CoachDarrenH

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Let's Get Physical
Photos by me

Photos by me

When it comes to fitness, how do I know when to power through and when to rest? How do I know if I’m doing too much? Is it possible to actually like working out? What are tips for staying motivated? What are aspects of fitness I might be overlooking? How can I feel better as I get older?

If you’ve ever had these questions, you’re in the right place. In this episode, I sit down with the powerhouse Jen Simmons of Jriven Fitness to address these and so many more! Jen has many certifications, among which are: NASM CPT; LPTA; USA Level 1.

And we don’t just restrict it to the world of working out. We also discuss business, goals, and inspiration - like how Jen decided to go for it and open her own gym (which has been a smashing success).

It’s a fun, free-flowing, motivational, and knowledge-packed conversation that leaves you feeling PUMPED.

You can find Jen:








Honest Living and Loving
Images by Whitney Richardson Photography

Images by Whitney Richardson Photography

In this relatable episode, I sit down with Gage Horne, a stellar videographer and all-around solid guy. (He also shot my brand video for The Nativist.)

We hit multiple topics, but the common threads are honesty and authenticity. We discuss how to have the hard conversations with your partner and yourself (this part might surprise you) and how to bridge communication gaps and eliminate walls with others. We also advocate the strength demonstrated by expressing your emotions, and the importance of reliability. 

Find Gage at:

Instagram: @gagehornestudios


Facebook: Gage Horne Studios

Permission to B E

This episode is for you if:

  • You feel lost without a passion/purpose

  • You feel burned out

  • You feel sick of people/SOCIETY urging you to hustle/push hard/find your passion/get that “bread”

  • You feel ashamed/guilty for being satisfied with the “simple life”

If you relate to any of the above, I dedicate this episode to Y O U.


Baring M O R E Whitness


This is the second part to the two-part Baring Whitness podcast episode where I sit down with my amiga Veronica and answer whatever questions she throws my way.

The rawness continues. We hit a range of topics, including my biggest fear (it’s a little unconventional), my game changers, and how I achieved the mindset I have now.

Hope you enjoy.



Find Veronica on Instagram at @veronicasidahome

Baring Whitness

This two-part series is unlike any of the previous episodes. This time, I’M in the hot seat and answer questions from my gorgeous friend Veronica (even her name is hot). I get RAW and let you in to the inner world of Whitney Richardson. I share the reason for starting the Nativist, what intimidates me, what I struggle with…and SO.MUCH.MORE. I reveal things I’ve never shared before - not even with my closest amigos. I “bare” all and bear “Whitness.”

This is Veronica’s first time interviewing and I think you’ll agree…she’s a N A T U R A L. She suggested the interview, brought the heat with the questions, and knocked it out of the park. Peep her on Instagram at @veronicasidahome.



Model Behavior

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In this episode, I interview model Janiah DeLancy, an old soul whose spirit matches her beauty.

In our conversation, we go below the surface and dive into the depths. Janiah shares how she broke into the biz, what it’s like working with other models, how she stays grounded in a profession focused on looks, and how she didn’t take “no” for an answer. If you’re craving inspiration on resilience, nerve, and motivation, this is for you. And if you’re wanting a kick in the pants to make your dreams happen, this is especially for you!

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The Silhouette of Fear with Thunderstorm Artis

Thunderstorm Artis

He’s an old soul with new music. Everything about Thunderstorm Artis emanates depth and soul, from his name to his music. When I first heard him sing, I stopped what I was doing and lost myself in it for a good 1/2 hour. He’s that good. He took time amid his traveling and touring to share his cool story and talk life. We dig into everything from reframing your fears to connecting with others to facing your shadows to impacting the world to developing your voice (in more ways than one).

My guess is by the end you’ll feel both zen and motivated. What more could you want?

Find him on YouTube, Spotify, and Instagram (@thunderstormartis). You can also find some of his music under his brother, Ron Artis II on Spotify. Thunderstorm has an EP album, Haunted.

L O V E in the H E A R T and F I R E in the S O U L
Images by Brooke Richardson Photography

Images by Brooke Richardson Photography

For this episode, I sit down with one of my favorite people in this universe: Julie Bixby. Having immigrated to the US from Romania, Julie has a dynamic story and spirit that pull you right in. As a mother, wife, boss babe, and free spirit, Julie continues to dominate whatever life tosses her way, all while looking fabulous and elevating others. This is a wide-ranging conversation on love, life, humanity, and authenticity. As you’ll find at the end, it inspired my phrase: Love in the heart and fire in the soul.

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Balancing Your Money and Life with Jackson Wood
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Life is about balance.

I sit down with money guru Jackson Wood to discuss how to be financially responsible while still, you know…LIVING LIFE.

If you want to be smart with your money without compromising on the pleasures in life, this is your jam. Prepare to be monetarily motivated.

You can find Jackson Wood at:

Flipping for Excellence
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I sit down with Justen Millerbernd, the most decorated tumbling coach in USA gymnastics HISTORY. Yeah, he's that good.

As with most of The Nativist podcasts, this episode is free ranging and fun loving. We discuss everything from discipline and inner drive to empathy and acceptance.

As an insider in the gymnastics world, Justen reveals his take on the recent scandal and how he maintained his integrity and spoke his truth, even if that meant standing alone.

Not only does Justen share his experience of launching into gymnastics greatness (as an athlete turned coach turned gym owner), but also his general approach to living a life of purpose and heart.

Justen currently owns Revolution Sports Center in Pocatello, ID.

Audio Block
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Justen image 1.jpg
Justen image 3.jpg