living intuitively
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The Nativist Podcast

Posts tagged manifest
Change Your Focus, Change Your Life

What you feed, grows. What you focus on becomes your reality. If you want to change your reality, you must first change your focus.

What you focus on affects your life, your relationships, your environment, and the world. Sound dramatic? I’ll explain why it’s not. I’ll also offer different ways of evaluating how you’re spending your most valuable currency (your focus), and suggest various ways to upgrade this. Some of these may surprise you.

The considerations are complex, but the solutions are simple. Come join me.

Find me on Facebook and Instagram @the_nativist

L O V E in the H E A R T and F I R E in the S O U L
Images by Brooke Richardson Photography

Images by Brooke Richardson Photography

For this episode, I sit down with one of my favorite people in this universe: Julie Bixby. Having immigrated to the US from Romania, Julie has a dynamic story and spirit that pull you right in. As a mother, wife, boss babe, and free spirit, Julie continues to dominate whatever life tosses her way, all while looking fabulous and elevating others. This is a wide-ranging conversation on love, life, humanity, and authenticity. As you’ll find at the end, it inspired my phrase: Love in the heart and fire in the soul.

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