living intuitively


Posts tagged success
Human Racing: The Struggle IS Real

Think of something you should do for your ultimate good but don’t do - or haven’t done consistently. Maybe it’s exercising. Maybe it’s budgeting. Maybe it’s drinking more water, or getting more sleep. Maybe it’s something finite, like leaving a stagnant partnership or a toxic job.

So…why haven’t you? Why don’t you? You know you should. You know doing so would yield health, wellness, success, and fulfillment, get you closer to where you [presumably] want to be.

Okay, grilling over. I’m willing to bet you have at least one “reason” (clearly solid enough to keep you from doing the thing(s) because…they have kept you). I’m not the judge. I’m not here to accept or reject those reasons - I’m here to offer perspective.

Let’s start with working out. Perhaps you lack motivation, or energy. Maybe you’re overwhelmed with where to start. Maybe you have lingering injuries. Maybe you’ve resigned yourself to your current “fitness” level.

Maybe you are depressed and emotionally spend, just for a quick pick-me-up. Maybe your parents lived beyond their means and taught you credit card debt is simply a way of modern life. Maybe you feel you DESERVE the finer things in life, and are determined to have them, regardless the size of your bank account.

Okay, now what if you actually have been doing those things? Maybe you HAVE been disciplined. Maybe you HAVE been busting your butt in the gym. Maybe you have been spending responsibly and saving money. Maybe you have been hydrating and prioritizing sleep - yet your results don’t reflect your work.

Maybe you lack the muscle definition you feel your efforts your warrant, despite giving it your all in the gym six days a week (3 of those with a personal trainer) and fully adhering to your nutritionist’s guidance. You’re frustrated and exhausted - and disheartened as you compare yourself to your friend who drinks like a fish, survives on junk food, avoids the fitness world, and yet still maintains a four-pack of abs. You’re maxing out on people’s snide comments and “helpful” suggestions for fitness and diet regimens. If they only knew how hard you’ve been working! WHY is there such a disconnect between your efforts and your results?

Maybe you’ve been tracking spending, avoiding unnecessary expenses, working extra jobs, yet still not seeing your savings account grow. You’ve been cooking your meals, DIYing your projects, and managing your time, and STILL not financially secure. It seems every time you turn around, unexpected expenses arise: medical bills, car repairs, home expenses, etc. Perhaps times have been especially tough since being economically affected by the pandemic. Whatever the factor(s), no matter how much you labor and wisely you manage your money, you just can’t get ahead. You’re barely surviving, and even that’s in jeopardy.

What if you prioritized your sleep and jealously guarded it? You practiced impeccable sleep hygiene and sacrificed social events to ensure adequate shut eye - yet were still constantly dragging?

Life happens, right? Sure, some of it we can control, through habits and mindset. But what about what we can’t control? What if we have a medical condition impeding our ability to exercise or lose weight? We may look okay to outside observers, but in reality, we’re battling chronic fatigue, or asthma, or debilitating pain. We may have severe depression or anxiety, or PTSD, impacting our ability to function. We could have raging insomnia and no drug, device, or dogma has resolved it, so we live life in a sleep-deprived blur, doing what we can just to make it through each day. Others deem us lazy and unmotivated and responsible for our lack of “progress.”


Okay, you get the idea. I could rattle off countless more possibilities and conditions beyond our control.

Yes, we all have challenges and obstacles. Maybe you feel like you’ve lived a relatively charmed life. Maybe you feel you’ve had a moderate amount of trials. Maybe you feel like you really got screwed and that you’ve had a disproportionate number of (continuing) hardships. Sometimes that’s our reality - sometimes it’s simply our mindset.

Think of someone you personally know - or even just someone you’ve read/heard about - who seems to get punched again and again by life. Loss after loss, while those around them make it through life relatively unscathed.

Now think of groups of people who seem perpetually stuck: touched by crime, poverty, drugs, etc. Generation after generation, the majority of these groups’ individuals stay down. If only they’d try harder, right? If only they’d work harder and complain less. If only they’d take responsibility for their lives and quit mooching. If only they’d “lift themselves up by their bootstraps.” If only they’d stop making excuses for why they aren’t where they want to be.

Speaking of excuses for not being where one wants to be…does that sound familiar? Let’s circle back to the start of this post (thanks for staying with me this long!). Think of your own life. Are you where you want to be, in EVERY single way? If not - why not?

Could anyone look at your life and say you are succeeding in every possible way?

Of course not. Why of course not? Because for one, nobody is perfect. For two, people have varying definitions of success, and they’re often not aligned. One’s definition of success is largely dependent on their culture, their insecurities, their mindset, their history - and a number of other influential factors. My personal definition of success (and happiness) may differ from a hustling businessperson’s, or a worshipping zealot’s. For three, people can’t and don’t know every thing about your life: every silent struggle you’ve overcome, every private victory you’ve achieved, every obstacle you’ve faced. Therefore, they can’t accurately judge you and your “success.” Besides, who are they to judge your success?

And along that line of reasoning…who are WE to judge others’? Who are we to say what others could and should do/not do? Who are we to assess others’ progress?

Think of something that happened in your past - or even your family’s past - that still affects you now, personally/professionally/financially/emotionally. Maybe a cheating business partner, or disabled family member, or negligent caregiver. Ripple effects, right?

Maybe a teacher’s careless remark designating you as “dumb” was enough to kill your sense of self-efficacy and hopes of ever being intelligent, educated, or making something of yourself. Something so simple right? Yet…SO.POWERFUL.

Maybe it was something as major as growing up in an environment with filled with addiction, dysfunction, and destitution, and you took it upon yourself to raise and support not only yourself, but your younger siblings, changing the trajectory of your life.

Think of the last time you were ravenous, and were so consumed by hunger you couldn’t think of or do anything else. What if you experienced this daily, as many kids do? Think of the cumulative impact this would have on your schoolwork, on your relations, on your ambitions. On your health and development.

Think of the last time you were emotionally distraught, or significantly stressed - particularly due to a personal matter. Think of the reaching impact this can have.

Think of kids being kept up all night, night after night, with abusive parents, then having to attend school. Think of how this would affect their schoolwork, their psyche, their relationships - now and in the future. And before you condemn the parents - think of them being subjected to similar experiences in their youth, setting them up to repeat the cycle - life as they know it.

So you see how even past atrocities and problems and issues can still be felt and seen in the present. Generational trauma is a thing. Cycles are a thing.


Now think of just the regular “bangs and bruises” all humans normally accumulate in life, affecting how we view and live life and how easy/hard it seems to do so. Think of your own, especially bruises perhaps of which only you are aware; bruises that may seem minor, yet still keep you from doing what you need/want to do.

Could people technically overcome? Sure. There are others who have defied the odds, triumphed over tribulations, transcended the difficult - who have proven it possible. And yes, those overcomers should be applauded and celebrated. But is it fair to expect - demand - the same outcome for all? To blame those who fall short of that? To disregard the contributing, relevant factors for one’s current position?

We don’t all start at the same starting line. There’s one human race - but there’s not one race for humans. We’re not all participating in the same “race” (and let’s bag the concept of us racing each other anyway, yeah? It’s ludicrous, misleading, depressing, and hindering) - so why would we hold everyone to the same mile markers? Why would we not account for people’s starting points?

One of the main takeaways here is there is an infinite number of factors determining why we are the way we are. No matter how similar two people are, they are never quite the same. Thus, it’s unreasonable, unfair, and illogical to think we can truly and accurately judge another, let alone entire demographics of people.

Generalizing is often dangerous, and unwise - for multiple reasons. Let’s see the humans in our humanity. Let’s see the individual, and the unique stories we each have. Let’s respect our individual blend of ingredients we each have.

Does this mean I don’t believe in self-realization and independence? Definitely not. I absolutely believe in the power of hard work, responsibility, resilience, discipline, tenacity, mindset, and playing the hand we were dealt. But I also believe in grace. In being slow to criticize and fast to empathize. As with anything else in life, I believe it’s about balance. And love. Always love.

love you.


Decisions, decisions...

Images by Brooke Richardson Photography

Images by Brooke Richardson Photography

There will be times in your life when all your instincts will tell you to do something, something that defies logic, upsets your plans, and may seem crazy to others. When that happens, you do it. Listen to your instincts and ignore everything else. Ignore logic, ignore the odds, ignore the complications, and just go for it.
— Judith McNaught

Do you typically make your decisions quickly, on instinct, or slowly?

I’m a big believer in balance being the key to life, including when it comes to decision-making. No matter which camp you generally identify with, this post offers insight on being an effective decider. Sexy stuff, I know, but you gotta admit - extremely useful.

As is often the case (at least with me), one of my strengths is also a complicating factor. In this case it’s my open-mindedness and ability to generate/consider multiple options. Awesome when you’re writing a report or devising a strategy, not so awesome when you’re just needing to buy some friggin’ shampoo.

I’m an analyst by profession and nature, so it’s my inclination to gather as much info as possible. I know all too well the feeling of paralysis by analysis. (But not with certain decisions like, you know… TATTOOS. I’ll walk into a tattoo joint and switfly decide on the spot what I’ll get permanently marked on my skin, whereas I’ve spent hours/days determining the best facial cleanser. Gotta love me.)

When I say hours/days spent researching, I’m not kidding. Down the rabbit hole I’d go. I’d look at different brand, study different types, compare various prices, weigh relevant factors. I’d scour reviews - only to emerge with my head spinning and my decision more elusive than when I started.

For the sake of time and sanity (mine and those around me!), I committed to becoming more decisive. I learned decisiveness is like a muscle: the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes. And what makes it even easier and more effective is relaxing and learning to identify, access, and trust my intuition. Blink by Malcolm Gladwell is an insightful book on this. Highly recommend.

I noticed - and later substantiated through reading works such as Blink - the more possibilities I had to consider, the more overwhelmed I became and the harder it was to decide. Sure, you want to have options, but at some point it becomes detrimental. As it often goes, moderation is key: not too few, not too many.


Blink shares the story of a life-altering lesson learned at Chicago’s Cook County Hospital, where emergency room physicians suffered analysis paralysis when trying to diagnose patients with heart attack symptoms. Gladwell notes they discovered an algorithm containing a simple set of criteria had a higher success rate than the traditional treatment protocol Gladwell describes as “long and elaborate and -– worst of all –- maddeningly inconclusive.”

Sound familiar? Beyond a certain point, additional information, no matter how accurate or seemingly relevant it might be, can actually impede decision-making. Do less, succeed more. Or something like that. :)

We have come to confuse information with understanding. We are inundated with information, which can actually cloud our instincts and judgment. It’s good to be informed, but detrimental to be too informed. Paralysis by analysis. The key to good decision making is not knowledge. It is understanding. We are swimming in the former. We are desperately lacking in the latter.

This Freud quote echoes Gladwell’s advice:

When making a decision of minor importance, I have always found it advantageous to consider all the pros and cons. In vital matters, however, such as the choice of a mate or a profession, the decision should come from the unconscious, from somewhere within ourselves. In the important decisions of personal life, we should be governed, I think, by the deep inner needs of our nature.
— Sigmund Freud

Powerful, right? Score another one for the importance of self reflection and awareness.

When faced with decisions in life, ask:  What’s your biggest goal/desire in life right now? Ask yourself which of the options (if any) align with that.

And it might take digging to distill it down into one main goal/desire.  It’s a matter of sitting with yourself, letting your distracting thoughts come and go, and leveling with yourself on a spiritual level - NOT an intellectual level - and facing your inner being and letting that guide you. I think one of the biggest points to remember is to identify your fears - and not let them drive your decision(s). So maybe that’d be a helpful place to start: identifying your fear(s) and seeing if/how they’re affecting your thoughts/decisions.


Here are some concrete tips for optimal decision-making:

  • Know your unknowns + intelligence gaps

    • Know what you don’t know!

  • Consider varying perspectives/interpretations/options

    • To a point - set limits to avoid getting sucked into the abyss

  • Challenge assumptions

    • Your own and others’!

  • Rate your confidence level with each option

    • This can help you think about what you might be missing and choose the option you feel best about

  • Assess your immediate reaction to each option

    • Do you feel a sense of peace? Unease?

      • If you pick a difficult choice yet your heart feels at peace…that’s a good sign

  • Load up on the relevant info and then move on!

    • Distract yourself with other things. Let your subconscious handle it. Science shows this leads to superior decisions. Per Unconscious Thought Theory, your conscious mind is needed for decisions with strict rules, eg math calculations; but for decisions with large amounts of info that can be vague/conflicting,  your unconscious mind is the MVP.

  • Remove unnecessary pressure from yourself!

    • Make a decision and if it didn’t yield the desired results, go from there and make another decision

    • Consider the worst case scenario(s) and ask yourself: Why would that be so bad?

      • Things are often not as dire as they seem. Asking yourself this question (repeatedly, if necessary) will guide you to your driving fear - so you can recognize and override it.

      • Especially when contemplating a minor decision such as an entrée or a new pair of shoes. If you end up regretting your purchase, you may be out some money and life may temporarily be sub ideal, but life will definitely go on.

  • Stay open and embrace uncertainty

    • Sometimes the easiest way to be wrong is to be certain you are right. Studies have found a strong correlation between astute decision-making and a willingness to recognize - even embrace - uncertainty. Low-ability individuals tend to overestimate their skills.

  • Try getting creative and innovative

    • Consider unconventional methods/solutions

      • Just because something is done a certain way doesn’t mean it always needs to be done a certain way. Progress is made through trailblazing and daring to differ

  • Practice on micro decisions. If you’re prone to soliciting advice on everything, practice deciding solo. If you tend to make rash judgments, try slowing down to weigh options and ask others’ perspectives.

Remember: You don’t need an answer to everything. That’s not how life works. We figure it all out by living and experiencing. By screwing up, by missing an opportunity, by seeking advice and not taking it, by taking advice wrong for us. We learn what’s important and what isn’t. Sometimes we have no clue what to do, and that’s okay. Always trust your gut and know everything will work out as it should. It always does. Relax. And love.


In the end...we only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to pursue, and the decisions we waited too long to make.

Eating vs. Getting Bread
Images by Abbey Armstrong PhotographyColor edited by me

Images by Abbey Armstrong Photography

Color edited by me

Success is not counted by how high you have climbed, but by how many people you have brought with you.
— Dr. Will Rose

You know how drive + hustle are glorified? We’re told to strive for more: more money, more recognition, more ______.

I personally take issue with that. Why?

Because we are all different, with different dreams, different definitions of success, different ideas of happiness.

Success. There is no one definition. Everyone’s success is different. You can’t compare your success to someone else’s.

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For some, happiness means a simple, stable, routine life: working, hanging with family/friends, etc. Who are we to say that’s unacceptable? Who are we to define happiness for others?

Sure, it’s important to ensure you’re not merely seduced into complacency by your fear/comfort zone. And I don’t think a non-hustling life releases anyone from striving to be the best person they can be - that’s a human responsibility, independent of lifestyle choice.

But let’s live and let live! Happiness is different for everybody. Values vary.

It is not success if you’re unhappy.

What a CEO considers a successful life may not match a schoolteacher’s idea of such. To some, success means total financial independence with a sizable savings account. To others, success may mean freedom to travel the world and try new endeavors. To still others, success may be leaving a profound legacy of improvement and change.

Cool, man! It takes all kinds to make (and balance!) a world. It would be too chaotic if we were all overachievers. Dare to live your truth, “motivational” quotes be damned. We all have roles to play, and contributions to make. We all have value to add.

So decide for YOU and ask yourself: What is my definition of success? What does happiness look like for me? By what standards will I measure myself?

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And don’t forget this important part: Be okay with and detached from others’ standards they may try to apply to you. Stand solid if they attempt to recruit you to their way of life. Smile if they try to nudge you in a certain direction. Realize we’re all on our own journey, trying to figure life out and orient ourselves in the world. Not everybody will accept you and get you, and THAT’S OK. It really is. It’s wildly liberating once you realize that.

People should determine their personal definition nof success and release others’ definitions of success.

Know you. Do you. Love you.


Try not to be a person of success, but a person of value.
— Albert Einstein