living intuitively
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about me

About Moi

BLUF [bottom line up front]: To leave the world healthier and more beautiful than I found it. Simply put, that is the ultimate objective behind The Nativist .

"Passion fuels purpose." By nature, I am an exceptionally passionate person. My passions range from hearty, delectable salads to dazzling, soul-stirring art to stunning, eye-opening travel. It's safe to say I am obsessed with personal development, to evolve into the best possible person I can be, and to squeeze every last drop life has to offer.

I am a recovering Type A. My biggest blessing is also my biggest weakness: my insatiable drive. It consumes me. I constantly strive to do better, to feel better, to B E better. Complacency terrifies me. While this hunger has allowed me to achieve many goals, it comes at a cost: personal satisfaction, personal peace, others' peace (it's not easy to be around a Type A y'all!). Not awesome, right? So I've learned to temper it and channel that drive in a healthy way. To tap into my internal wisdom and align with my soul, allowing me to grant myself and others grace while still evolving into my best self.

After many years of endless research, tireless experimenting, extensive soul searching - learning, unlearning, and re-learning ways to look and feel as amazing as possible - the one truth remains: it all comes down to trusting intuition. Getting out of your own way and allowing your mind, body, and spirit to do what they already know how to do. Boom. THAT'S IT.

This blog is me rising to the call of the Dalai Lama: "The planet does not need more 'successful' people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds." I want to help you cultivate your own mind/body connection, whether you're on a healing journey or otherwise.

If you personally do not identify with this blog's purpose/content on a deeper level, yet leave feeling a little happier/a little more inspired/a little more invested in yourself and the world...then I will count that as a smashing success. I want to share all I've learned [through research/personal experience/etc] on my eternal quest to be healthy, radiant, and BAD ASS. Thank you for partying with me.







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